Approach To Learning

Music is a lifelong skill- something to be improved over many years and that enriches all areas of life. Learning the Trumpet is not only good for musicality, but discipline, perseverance, co-ordination and self-esteem. All my lessons are student led, which allow individuals to flourish and meet their personal goals. My teaching is driven by a passion for passing down knowledge, seeing students grow in confidence and reach their potential. I have high expectations of all my students, which encourages them to work hard and strive for improvement.


Many students find taking exams to be a good way to measure progress and stay motivated. I have plenty of experience preparing students for ABRSM, Trinity and LCM graded exams.

No Exams

I personally have never taken a graded exam, and still have all the knowledge/skill I need. Exams are not, by any stretch, the only way to learn. I can teach you through technical exercises, repertoire and demonstration.

Technical Difficulties

Unfortunately, the Trumpet can throw unexpected hurdles at a player. Things like braces and teeth changes can cause a huge effect on the sound and embouchure. Growing up, I had many issues with my teeth, and have had to relearn to play numerous times. I believe I have an unrivalled knowledge on the various technical methods, which can help a student navigate these issues.


  • Filip - Private Student

    Alistair is not only technically talented, he also brings a full understanding of jazz philosophy and sentiment. His lessons, whether face to face or online, are personalized to each student and their specific needs, no matter the level, especially when it comes to tailored advice on both technique and musical motivation. Highly recommend!

  • Marianne - Mother of Student

    Alistair is a great trumpet teacher. He is professional, always on time, and has never missed a lesson. My son has achieved some great progress, thanks to Alistair’s strong pedagogical skills. Alistair obviously has extensive experience in teaching music. He always finds the right mix of technical exercises to develop my son’s trumpet techniques, and fun music pieces to keep developing his sense of rhythm and make sure he doesn’t get bored with the more technical practice. Alistair is the most amazing trumpet player – so talented! It’s so inspirational for my son to hear Alistair play – every time he hears Alistair play, my son works twice harder, hoping that one day, he’ll play as well as him! Alistair is supportive, encouraging but sufficiently challenging as well, to stretch my son’s musical abilities as much as possible.